Sunday 5 December 2010

The Stupidly Simple Way To Rank On Page One Of Google

There's a new system that has just arrived on the scene that offers everyday people just like you and me to achieve page one, top ten results on Google using nothing but a free one page mini-site!

Although these sites are only one page, they consistently dominating the search engines and blowing away many heavily SEO optimised sites, in fact it's not unusual to see these sites within the top five postions
where the competition runs into tens of millions.

The creator of the Stupidly Simple SEO System, Phil Henderson, has put together a site that shows the results he has and is enjoying and he's also agreed to post a free video that allows you to watch over his shoulder as he
select a product to promote, builds a simple one page site and presses submit and then watch as the site hits the top of Google in a matter of minutes. It truly is amazing!

Phil has created an easy to follow-step-by-step process that a six year old child could follow. He wants this system to be available to all as it truly is a game changer.

Phil Henderson states. "when I stumbbled on this system I knew it would be ideal for those people who have struggled to make even a dime online, I also knew it would be a great addition to any marketers arsenal to generate free traffic to any
website or offer they wished.

The fact that these pages can be set up and ranking on page one of Google within 20 minutes only enhances the effectiveness even more. I would say that this system is a must have for everyone as it addresses so many of the
issues we marketers face today.

I've released this first part to give people a good introduction to my methods and tools and I will be following these up with even more profit pulling stratgeies over the coming weeks and months".

Personally I'm all for keeping things simple and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the video was to follow. There are more detailed videos and acc.ompanying workbooks that will help you set these site up even faster and so
help you to make money far quicker.

You can find out more from the Stupidly Simple SEO site.

All the very best


Tuesday 2 November 2010

Your Money Maker

Have yo been looking for extra income online?
The Secret To Your Success is in Your Daily Routine!

Your Easy Money Maker

Thursday 10 June 2010

Banner and Links Exchange

Banner & Link exchanges have been around a long time providing easy ways for marketers to have their adverts showing in others places not just their own website 
The whole system behind banner &; Link exchanges, is they will allow you to insert a banner or hyperlink and have it displayed on their site in exchange for you doing the same for one of their banner or links placed on view on your site 
They may allow you to use a blog or Facebook page for this, but you will need to check first if this is allowed affiliated workers may be able to make use of this service – as long as the blogging system will display HTML code

Thursday 25 September 2008

Is Money the New Holly Grail ?

Is Money the New Holly Grail ?

In the long distant past, The Holly Grail was much sort after, as it was supposed to be chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper
For the seemingly magical properties attributed to the Holy Grail have been plausibly traced to the magic vessels of Celtic myth that satisfied the tastes and needs of all who ate and drank from them.

But these days, if you use the internet, it seems Money is the New Holly Grail, it’s what Everyone is frantically searching for, by testing out hundreds if not thousands of websites .
In order for them to finally obtain their ultimate goal, (money!)

But is it really the ultimate aim in life?
Certainly it helps make life easier, in some ways, but it can also add problems, by the person becoming obsessed by gaining it, so much so it becomes the only thing in their lives.

Then even when they have a steady income, more is not enough, also they become afraid of losing it all, or being robbed , which in turn can affect their health.
Yes it’s good to have money, but not if becomes a replacement of worship and therefore an idol.